Aka Beugré Jean

What mostly motivated me to join this program is that:
First, migration is a global trend, which evolves across time and becomes day by day a significant phenomenon that touches all domains of our life.
Secondly, it has now became a field of studies and researches that all country of the world will soon include in their academic curriculum.

In addition, migration as a significant and global phenomenon, its study opens doors of many opportunities on a worldwide range.
Thus, my expectations as regards the future are mostly oriented towards a career as specialist in the field of migration studies. Being a specialist in this field shall allow me to work with international organizations, implement a consulting office in migration issues and be a university teacher in migrations studies.

Through the different courses we had, I learnt a lot about migration. All the courses were very instructive. However, I would like to draw a particular attention on the course of data and statistics. This course allowed me to know the different sources of statistics, how to manage data, how migration can be predicted through statistics and so on.

In addition, I deeply learnt about some different statistical concepts, their importance and their empirical management such as census and survey.
I really enjoy every single moment we have been spending as regards this wonderful program.

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