In the context of the Capacity Building Project MIGRANTS The Higher Institute of Human Sciences (University of Tunis El Manar), The Faculty of Human and Social Sciences (University of Tunis), The Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities (University of La Manouba) launch an interdisciplinary Joint Master Degree in “Migration Studies: Governance, Policies and Cultures”.
The Master Degree in “Migration Studies: Governance, Policies, and Cultures” will be an interdisciplinary two years programme that provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges represented by international migrations.
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MIGRANTS aims at a capacity building action that strengthens the Tunisian governance of migratory flows thanks to the training of highly skilled personnel able to govern, in a holistic and multidisciplinary way, the migratory phenomena in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.
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MIGRANTS promotes an approach, which does not separate teaching from research.
Research makes teaching up-to-date, capable of addressing current issues, and giving students knowledge and skills that enable them to access the world of work.