Stake-Holders Network

With reference to the Job shadowing activities, to be properly organised, a stakeholders network will be identified by the end of the first year. COSPE will be committed in the organization of the Network and all the activities will be supported by CLEDU and the Universities involved in the project both in Europe and Tunisia and MENA Region.

To guarantee a comprehensive network of stakeholders actors in supporting the teaching and training activities, non-academics partners of the project will be identified.

The Stake-Holders Network of the Project will be made off by NGOs, associations, European and Tunisian Universities, academic professionals and institutions involved in migration governance both in Europe and in the MENA Region, as well as with the other organizations/associations taking part in the job shadowing activity both in Europe and Tunisia.

The Stakeholders Network will make policy recommendations and support Tunisian partner Universities in the capacity building process. It providing analyses of issues related to migration to national and local government, cultural institutions committed to representing the history, culture and artistic expressions of migrants, as well as universities and other research institutions.

The network will conduce to further future cooperation with these actors, who will be then committed in the organization of traineeships and post-graduate placements for the students of Master in Migration Studies.

Through the involvement of the stakeholders’ network a Calendar of Placements with all the Agreements already activated will be prepared, and it will be then presented in occasion of the Final Conference.

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