Why Summer Schools

Among the training activities envisaged by the project, the organization of the Summer Schools and their related publications, have a peculiar role.

Having the objective of creating a Master and training its teaching staff, the Project must take into account the needs of scientific skills required to university professors.

The training of a university teaching staff has to strengthen the research activity, participation to the scientific debate, and publication of results.

Professor’s profile has to include research work, scientific publications, and participation in the international scientific community. Professor’s capabilities in teaching has to be considered as one of the results of this process and such a link between teaching and research should be particularly strong for what concerns teaching for a Master of Arts.

summer school

Summer Schools in the project

Since MIGRANTS aims precisely to give this specialized training, the Project involves the whole training cycle guiding the teaching staff towards new fields of knowledge and skills, thanks to occasions, such as Summer Schools, where Tunisian and European teachers compare the results of their studies.

The three Summer Schools foreseen in the Project will be organized on a thematic basis and will give life to specific publications, in the form of books collecting different essays with an international diffusion, or papers to submit to International Journals.

The Summer Schools have been planned in London, Granada, and Palermo respectively in June 2020, 2021, 2022.

Due to the COVID emergency, the Summer Schools have been rescheduled as follows:

Granada Summer School

Click here to find out more!

London Summer School

Click here to find out more!

Palermo Summer School

11-12 July 2023

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